Children's Bible Classes
childrens bible Classes
Sunday morning – 9:30-10:15 am
WEDNESDAY EVENING - 7:00-7:45 pm
And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your children….
The Johnson Avenue church of Christ offers Bible classes for children of all ages. Our classes are firmly grounded in the Bible and seek to provide students with not only a knowledge of Bible facts but also applications that will be helpful in everyday life. All of this is done in an atmosphere that encourages participation and enjoyment as students learn.
Cradle Roll Class
Our class for 6 months to two-year-olds begins the learning process by exposing the children to the wonderful creation of God and the love of Jesus through pictures and songs. Class time provides a fun and active way to learn.
Pre-School – Kindergarten Classes
We continue teaching the two-and-three-year-olds about the people and events in the Bible through interactive and hands on lessons and songs. This journey through the Bible is repeated in the four-and-five-year-olds class adding more details as the class studies a two-year series of lessons from the Old and New Testaments. Before they enter 1st grade, they should know many of the Bible events and lessons they can learn from the people in the Bible as well as the books of the Bible.
In grades one through six, the children are introduced to the Our Spiritual Heritage curriculum where they will learn about God’s plan to save mankind from the beginning. Through a variety of topics, the overall theme of the Bible is emphasized and students will begin to see the overall picture of the Bible and how the stories of events they have learned connect together as God's plan for saving mankind unfolds.
Our Spiritual Heritage introduces children to the concept that God created Adam and Eve and all the families of the earth because He desired a great family to love and to love Him in return. Children see God’s plan to build His family unfold from Genesis through Revelation. They learn about many people and events that teach them about the kind of people God wants His family to be. These memorable people and events from the Bible illustrate powerful moral lessons and fix them in young minds. Children hear how the coming of Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s plan and the demonstration of God’s desire for each of them to be a part of His family. They come to understand that His book – the Bible, is our spiritual heritage, the story of our roots and destiny.
Bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
What exactly do we want children to learn?
About God – who He is, what He has said and done, and what He wishes for us. About Jesus – his life, His miracles, His teachings, His death and resurrection, and the story of His church in the first century.
- The difference between the Old and New Testaments and yet how they are connected.
- The major periods of Biblical history – creation, the patriarchal age, the exodus, the conquest of Canaan, the judges period, the kingdom era, the captivity, the return from captivity, the time between the testaments, the life of Jesus and the story of the early church.
- The names and sequences of every Bible book as well as each book’s main events, teachings, characters, and historical periods.
- The theme of the Bible, God’s plan to save man from sin, and trace its progress through every age from creation to the book of Revelation.
- How to pray to God and how to praise Him and about the purpose and value of worship.
- Biblical principles made relevant to their age to equip them with the tools for their young lives and choices begin to make.
- The habit of reading, understanding, teaching and applying the Bible on their own.
These lessons form their values, their priorities, their consciences, and influence their future relationship with God.