What should I wear?

Come in what you feel comfortable wearing. There will be people wearing clothes from t-shirts to button-up shirts with ties, from casual clothing to dresses. Whether you choose to be casual or like to dress up a little, you can expect to be welcomed as our guest and will fit in with what others are wearing.

What if I have kids?

During the Bible study times on Sunday at 9:30 am and Wednesday at 7:00 pm we have Bible classes for children 6 months and up where your child will learn about people and events of the Bible in a fun and engaging way.

How long does the service last?

Bible classes on Sunday morning begin at 9:30 am and end at 10:20, when the children are dismissed to attend the 10:30 am worship service with their parents. Our Wednesday evening Bible Classes begin at 7:00 pm and end at 7:45 pm and the children are dismissed to assemble in the main auditorium for a short message and song, concluding at 8:00 pm.

Our Sunday morning 10:30 am worship service lasts until approximately 11:30 am. The service will include congregational singing, praying, partaking of the Lord's Supper, collection of the offering, and a lesson from God's word. 

Do You Have A Capella Singing?

Our entire congregation joins our voices together to sing songs of praise and edification. We are a group of Christians that love singing praises to God. On the last Wednesday of each month we devote our entire Bible class time to learning and practicing new songs and to join with our Spanish speaking brethren praising the Lord together through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

Do Your English & Spanish Speaking Members Meet Together?

Together with our Spanish speaking brethren, we are one local working body known as the Johnson Avenue church.  Both groups work under the leadership of the Johnson Avenue eldership and the Spanish brethren have two (2) deacons dedicated to the Spanish speaking individuals and families.  Routinely on Sunday mornings we meet separately in order to conduct our service in our primary languages. The adults also meet separately for Bible classes but the children attend Bible classes together. On occasion, for a special sermon or member discussion, we meet together and the speaking is translated. We all join together often for picnics, celebrations, devotionals, etc.  We all meet together on the last Wednesday of each month to praise the Lord together through plaslms, humns, and spiritual songs.