The saints that meet at 523 S. Johnson Ave. in El Cajon, CA assemble on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in our auditorium. Face coverings are no longer required but are acceptable to wear if desired. We ask that all attendees be respectful of the personal decisions of those who still choose to wear masks and those who choose not to wear masks and of the personal space of all.
Sunday Worship Service
10:30 a.m.
English and Spanish Services
Bible Classes - 9:30-10:15 a.m.
Preacher: Kenny Marrs
For our live-streamed service at 10:30 a.m.
We do not belong to any denomination, organization, or religious group. We are completely independen from all churches.
We believe that a person can know God’s will
by simply reading the Bible.
We do only what the Bible says…
nothing more, nothing less.
We desire to share the love of Christ by being a warm and friendly group where any person can learn about God.
We desire to share the simple truth of God’s word
to every person in the area.
We encourage people to study the Bible and follow God's Word.
We desire the salvation of every soul.
April - May 2025
Sunday Morning - 9:30 am
The Books of Nahum & Habakkuk
Wednesday Evening - 7:00 pm
The Books of Nahum & Habakkuk
Watch the class on Facebook Live
Click Here for previous lessons on You Tube
Last Wednesday of Each Month
Congregational Singing
7:00 p.m.
Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study
10:00 am
Welcome to Johnson Avenue Church of Christ